SLIC offers optimum return on investments in computing facilities through the services of our highly qualified consultants. SLIC's growing pool of IT professionals consists of project managers, business analysts, designers, solutions architects, programmers, database administrators, and testers among others.
We build lasting relationship with our clients thru our engagement and productivity.
SLIC implements a less costly alternative, the Train and Assign Program (TAP), which involves the training of highly qualified fresh graduates before handling client projects.
SLIC has offered the TAP to help every IT graduate adapt to new developments in the industry.
SLIC offers Recruitment Services to answer the demand for IT Professionals. We have developed applications for a wide variety of client industries like Banking and Finance, Health, Insurace, Manufacturing among others. SLIC has gained expertise in the following areas that aimed at addressing the needs of our clients.
SLIC has its reliable screening process to provide highly qualified professionals for our clients. We make sure that our people will give you an excellent service that will help you and your company to meet your goals.
With its extensive experience of highly efficient and well-rounded teams of specialists, SLIC creates innovative applications designed to attain your objectives for success.